Tuesday, October 4, 2011


im gunna have to go with 21st century education is just basically they re tryna evovle education. i assume they are tryna wein us off of teachers and practice more of a self learning style using technology.
faced with the fact that maybe the world is kinda screwed due to the fact of global warming, and other issues around the world such as famine and poverty and stuff , we need to arm students with the knowledge of being able to communicate effectively function and create change on many levels.
so some 21st century skills
1. critical thinking and problem solving
2.agility and adaptibility
3.effective oral and written(or typed) communication
4.being able to properly access and analize info and draw conclusions
5.intiative and entrepreneurilsm
6.collabouration across networks
7. having curiosty and imagination (if you dont have these go home)
the most important skills would have to be effective communication and being able to drawn conclusions from things
some new definitons

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