Tuesday, October 4, 2011

21st Century Education and Skills

What is 21st Century Education?
Well ,from my opinion, it is the way the new and constantly developing world around us has adapted to our society, changing it to fit the world we live in. This however, breaks out of the mold of education that we saw for so long. It is the new way that we set up the problems and the equally new way that we use logic and formulas to work our way through them.

What skills do i think are most important in 21st Century learning?
There are many different skills that 21st century learning has shown us, and they are all important skills to learn, or at least be familiar with. iI could not just choose one of these to be the most important so I chose 2.
First is Critical Thinking and Problem Solving. This is very important because it gets you to think about things in a different way, and stop and figure out the best solution for the problem, whether it be in the classroom or real life.
The second one that i chose was Agility and Adaptability. you need to be able to work efficiently and and quickly, but still get it done right. being agile helps with this and is very important. Adaptability is also important, because if you cannot adapt to the ever-changing world, you will quickly fall behind.

What do i think can be done to get these skills more in our classrooms?
well i really like that you took so me of the media things we are used to like computers, and incorporated math into it. it shows that they have already thought of a way to adapt into a technology based society and makes it new and more interesting to the students. Using different methods tho get through until, and different ways of teaching also keep it fresh.
one thing i think that they could do is make it a bit more interactive, but i am not exactly sure how. Otherwise, i like how this is set up differently from other courses, and i think they should keep working on that!

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