Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Education of the 21st Century

21st century education is the new education of our generation involving endless ideas and opportunities regarding our enhanced technology, communication and social interactions. It is so much more experimental and fun than passed education and is opening many more doors to students all around the world. Research is increasing and going more into depth and social acceptances are giving our generation and generations to come unending chances.
Skills needed include:
* Critical Thinking and Problem Solving
* Collaboration across Networks and Leading by Influence
* Agility and Adaptability
* Initiative and Entrepreneurialism
* Effective Oral and Written Communication
* Accessing and Analysing Information
* Curiosity and Imagination
I think that the most important skill for me is the “effective oral and written communication”. As technology is advancing we are able to connect with people all around the world for trade, business, or just acquainting. Without proper communication skills we would not be able to achieve very much. As most of what we are learning is coming through research that scientists and the like from all around the world are working together on, communications need to be there. Even within closer areas of work, communications is essential as we use communication to express ourselves and problem solve. Without communication we are not able to develop other skills needed for our 21st century lifestyles.
These skills can be incorporated into our classrooms through any means. When a problem arises we can take the time to try analyze what to do, find ways to fix it, use communications to ask questions, search out the answer by means of a computer network, and thus eventually figure it out. We could potentially use all of these skills without even knowing it. By practicing these skills and taking the time to think about how we can better ourselves with them, we as students are preparing for our future and the future of our world.

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