Thursday, October 27, 2011

Analyzing Quadratic Functions in Standard Form

Over the weekend you need to finish Checkpoint 1 on page 272 - 275 if you did not finish it in class on Friday.   You also need to complete the Construct Understanding on page 276 and read the summary of Lesson 4.3 on pages 277- 278.  Check out this website to see how the values of  a,  p (h in the applet) and q (k in the applet) effect the graph.  You may also find it beneficial to read through the examples as we will be going through them in class on Monday. 

Standard Form of a Quadratic Functions
The Standard Form of a quadratic function is: y = a(x – h)^2 + k or y = a(x – p)^2 + q
If a quadratic function is written in this form, then it will have the same shape as y = ax^2 and its vertex will be shifted from (0,0) to a new location as determined by the values of  p (or h) and  q (or k) .
TIP: The value of “a” gives you the shape of the graph and the values of “p” and
“q” tell you the location of the vertex.

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