Monday, October 10, 2011

Blogging Prompt: In Tune with Math

Wow, check this out. This guy records an original song a day. Not surprising that there is one that has math in it. But only one - a little disappointing ;(

This blogging prompt, should you choose to do it involves creating a song about math.   It can either be a song that talks about math in general or perferrably a song that decribes/teaches a math concpt that we have covered in class.  See the post on "Factoring to a beat!" for an example. 

This blog prompt can be done individually or in a group, as a class or even someone in Pre-Calc 40S.  Your song needs to be at least 1.5 minutes long.  You will need to record the song so it can be but on the blog.  A song by itself will be equivalent to 3 blog posts.  If you include a video then it will be worth 5 blog posts.  If you have any questions, be sure to ask. 

Have fun!!!!

This one is due by December 20, 2011

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