Monday, October 24, 2011

21st Century Education

21st century education is a new way of teaching which will use some of the resources that have improved drastically since they started schooling the 19th century, including technology communication, and interactions with other students, and teachers. The way they began teaching school in the 19th century was to try and prepare children for life in the industrial economy. This new way of learning will help students to learn skills that will be needed to succesfully help serve the needs of people in this century. This program is experimental, but it is giving students a better chance of succeding in whatever field they plan to be in once they graduate.
Some skills needed are:
*Adaptability/Managing Complexity and Self-Direction
*Higher Order Thinking and Sound Reasoning
*Interactive Communication
*Effective Use of Real-World Tools
*Personal and Social Responsibility
*Teaming and Collaboration

I believe that the most important skill in 21st century education is "Interactive Education". My reasoning for this is there are very few things that can be done in this world if people do not communicate. With the technology that can be used in the present day we are able to communicate with people from all over the world. Even if we are not communicating with people from all around the world it is essential that we are able to communicate with people in small groups and workplaces. I think that 21st century education is a great way for students to start learning, it'll give them a great grasp on the skills they need in both the old and new economy.

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