Thursday, September 29, 2011

Blogging Propmt - Fibonacci Sequence

Many patterns and designs linked to mathematics are found in nature and the human body.  Certain patterns occur more often than others.  Logistic spirals, such as the Golden Mean spiral, are often based on the Fibonacci number sequence.  The Fibonacci sequence is often called Nature's Numbers. 

Do a search on the Fibonacci sequence.  Post a blog on something that you find interesting or unusual.  Or perhaps discuss how the Golden Mean spiral relates to the Fibonacci sequence.  Or where are these used.  Or look around you and see if you can find some examples of  Fibonacci sequence or the Golden Mean spiral.  Is there anything out there in the real world that you can take a picture of to post here that show the sequence or spiral. 

If this is going to be one of your posts, you need to have it done by Oct. 14

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