Monday, January 30, 2012

Rational Expressions

Rational expressions was a topic that i was not sure where it would be applicable in life, and how jobs would use it, or even be based around it. So i looked around, and here is a couple that i found. The first one i found, is Electrical Engineering, which starts with the universal law, that Resistance, (R), equals Voltage (V) over Current (I). Since all of these variables are dependent on time, rational functions need to be set up to figure out how much they will vary, and thus solve your equation! The second one, is Thermodynamics, which is one of the most ideal gas laws. To figure out what is in this case the volume, you need to use your variables, (in this case, pressure, temp, and number of molecules) to be able to solve. But again, to solve you need to make a rational function, and when you solve it, it will give you the answer.

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