Sunday, January 15, 2012

Khan Academy

I watched the video from Khan's Academy which is already posted on the blog. It talks about how to solve rational equations. I could see this video being useful if you had never been taught a technique of how to solve a rational equation, but for me since I have already been taught how to solve these equations I found that the video confused me more than it helped me. I found it troubling how he just started factoring, and foiling without giving reason for why he was doing it. Another part I thought that could've been done better is teaching how to find the lowest common factor instead of just jumping into it. So to understand this video at all you had to have complete understanding of how to find your lowest common factor. Personally this video did not help to improve my understanding of the topic, but I think that was due to me already understanding how to solve theseequatons using a different method.

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