Monday, January 30, 2012

The Art of Trigonometry

We did a project using trig. functions to make a piece of art, as home assignment 7. There are a variety of ways that you can make designs, by changing the different values of the function. Ex. (sinX, 3sinX). for instance, if you could only use sin, you could make an increasing wave of lines. If you use sinX, 2sinX, and 3sinX; you will have lines that go up to 1,2,and 3 and -1,-2,-3, that will show up on your graph. You could also do a similar arrangement with cosine. Sine and cosine are actually very similar, just that they are a translation of one and another, and both form that smooth line between 1 and -1. So to get a sine graph into a cosine graph, you simply translate it!

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