Tuesday, January 31, 2012

thomas pre-exam

for my pre-exam blog Id like to begin with, although we havn't done it yet. I will have extreme difficulty with it. it is below a 1/20 ratio that i will get over 75% on it. Ive strugled throught entire class, and shown very little sigh of improvement since the first day. There has been no unit ive found easy or relatable to.
There will be a large struggle just to pass this course.
no link posted

thomas chapter 2

Chapter two was made unnessisarily difficult. I found that we did even use the entire first section of this unit with number lines. At no point did we use number lines through the rest of the course. I had many issues with this unit, everything exept expand and simplify to be exact.
In the end, this unit was poorly conceived in the book and should probly have the first setion left out to allow extra time for harder units.
the khan acedemy link wont work again

thomas unit 7

The rational expressions unit was very difficult. when a student frequently goes "I can't do this may I get help?" it usualy means he's having difficulty, and is perhaps having an issue that needs to be tended to. I spent several classes with Studet facilitator trying to get help with this unit with no success. this section will be strugled with on the exam, garrenteed.
The Khanacedemy will not link properly

Monday, January 30, 2012

Statistics in Sports

In most cases when people are watching sports they don't think of all of the math that is used in finding different statistics. The same equation is used in many different sports to calculate many different things. For example:
Batting Average: A batter in baseball has 600 at bats in one season and records 186 base hits. What is his batting average? 186/600= 0.310 the batters average is 310%

Goals Against Average: A goalie in faces 1000 shots in a season he stops 912 of them. What's his goals against average? 912/1000= 0.912 his goals against average is 0.912 GAA

Draft Lottery: There are 30 balls in a bucket and a team has 8 balls in the bucket. What percentage of balls in the bucket are theirs? 8/30= 0.26 they have a 26% chance of winning the draft lottery.

These are just a couple of examples of how math is used in sports. If you look into it farther i'm sure you could find plenty of more.

Pre Exam Blog

Well finally this semester has almost come to the end. We have covered plenty of material over this semester but I had some things that I liked and some I didn't. Some of the things I enjoyed were the trigonometry as I found it quite easy to find the side length and angles of a triangle. My least favorite part of the semester was unit 5. My reasoning for this was because I found solving inequalities and graphing them fairly difficult, but after awhile I started to get the hang of it. Personally I don't mind math so this whole semester was not so bad and I did a lot better than I thought I would coming into it.

Unit 6 Test

I quite enjoyed this unit as I found it quite easy. The things I enjoyed about this unit were using the Sine, and Cosine law to find certain angles and side lengths on triangles. The thing I didn't enjoy about this unit was determining reference angles as I found it boring. Overall I believe this was my favorite unit.

thomas' pretest-sec8

In this test for section 8, I found the work very forgetable. With the added difficulty of remebering what we did over the difficulty of just doing the work made this a very unforgiving unit. However the whole thing was quite no-nonscense, it could have been an easy unit. but it decided to be hard instead.