Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Hi there! You found our blog.

This blog will be a place that I will post information for you and your parents. I will post the course outline and outcomes in the next few days. As a class, you will be responsible for posting the lessons covered each day. If you miss a day, this will be the place to look so you can check out what you missed, although you may still need to obtain a copy of the class notes and/or handouts.

From time to time there will be posts suggesting useful sites that you may find helpful in explaining in more detail some of the concepts we are covering. They may be just different examples to what we covered in class, maybe a different way of explaining it or there might be a neat Java applet to check out. Not sure what is all 'out there' for this course but I am looking forward to doing a little research. If you find a neat applet or a helpful site, feel free to post it here as well.

You will find class lessons here but this is also a place to talk about what is happening in class and to ask questions you didn't get a chance to ask in class. Use the comment feature below each post, and contribute to the conversation. This site will be as good as you make it. Please be sure to read the Internet Guidelines post before posting anything.

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