Thursday, September 22, 2011

Creating Connections

As mentioned in class, you will be expected to submit at least 6 Blogging before a Test and 6 Blogging Prompts. You also have the opportunity to earn extra credit by completing more. Think of this blog as another place for you to demonstrate your understanding of the content covered in class. These 'projects' they will help you make connections between what we are doing in class and the real world. They should also help solidify the material being discussed in class.

Blogging before a Test:
With a test approaching, I’d like to remind you of what I mentioned in class. In order to earn credit here, you must blog before the test.

The kind of post I'd like you to make should have one or more of these characteristics: A reflection on a particular class. A reflective comment on your progress in the course. A comment on something that you've learned that you thought was "cool". A comment about something that you found very hard to understand but now you get it! Describe what made the ‘light bulb’ come on. A comment on something you may still find fuzzy or are unsure about. Have you come across something we discussed in class out there in the "real world" or another class? Describe the connection you made. Your posts do not have to be long. I'm far more interested in the quality of what you write rather than the quantity.

Blogging Prompt

Occasionally I will post a Blogging Prompt. It will be easy to find because I'll always put it under a heading like the one above this paragraph. You will only be given a certain amount of time to respond to it so make sure you are checking this blog regularly. Feel free to create your own Blogging Prompt for the rest of us if you like. If it's a really good one (i.e. has rich possibilities for blogging) it will count as one of your posts. ;-) Here's the first one and this one is MANDATORY.

A big topic in today's education is 21st Century Education and Skills. Do some research and from your readings come up with your own definition of what 21st Century Education is and a list of 21st Century skills. Which skill do you see as most important for you in the next 5 - 10 years as you enter into a career. How can we incorporate these skills into our classroom? Be prepared to have a class discussion on this in about a weeks time. 

You have until October 5 to respond to this blog prompt.

Happy Blogging!

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