Monday, December 19, 2011

Pre-test Blogging

This unit was a trickier one for me as angles are definitely not my forte, nor do I really like dealing with them. However with saying that, I just finished the review and ended up getting all the questions right; which was very surprising. I not only found that I do in fact know what I am doing, but feel pretty comfortable with problems that I was just not grasping before. With saying that, I am still struggling with drawing some of the complex problems out, and not using my calculator for (sin45)(cos45), etc. The basics of these I understand, but I feel that maybe one last explanation would be very helpful...... perhaps a quick stop at Mrs. Ferguson's will do the trick! I should really try and get all the help while I can!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Pre Test Blog for Unit 6

I really like trig, so i found this unit not bad at all. the only things that were difficult were remembering the proper notation for brackets and stuff when entering it into your calculator, and those loooong questions where you have to draw them out in 3D. but other than that i didn't have too much trouble, once i had learned it and practiced it some i think i have it. I am just happy that we got a break from quadratics for a unit!

Post Test blog for Unit 5

This unit i didn't find too bad, but there were some troubles in getting every part of the question right. i found that solving algebraically was easier than graphing, and i am not sure why. it took me a while to grasp the concepts of this unit, but once i had it, i think i was alright with it.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Uh-oh, well here's a POST-test blog!

I seem to have forgotten to post on here before our test..... so here's my POST-test blog. I actually found myself feeling quite comfortable with this unit and then with the test. Generally, I didn't struggle with inequalities for both quadratic and linear equations. However it did take a while for me to catch on, but eventually with enough repetition it finally stuck! The real breaking point for me though was when I took the time to connect all the past knowledge of variables, slope, etc that we had already learned about, to each other and their relationship in correspondence to the graph.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Factoring help

If you are struggling with factoring or just want more practice to build your skills, check out this site.  It  explains and gives examples of how to factor by grouping.  This method of factoring will work for all questions.  It may not be the fastest method for all questions but it does work for every one.

This website has 20 questions that you can do and check your answers online.  Great for extra practice since you will get immediate feedback as to whether you are doing them correct.